Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Been a while

Been a while

Hello guys it's been a while since I posted
A lot has changed in that time
I am on slimming world have lost a lot of weight nearly 3 stone
It's not easy especially with having kids
This week has been torture for my weight loss
it's that time of the month and it makes me hungry all the time
Last night I ended up having a bowl of cereal well it's better than having a bar of chocolate
Chocolate is my one weakness
What else has changed well I don't world of Warcraft anymore
I find it makes me angry it's one game I can't play without loosing it
Which is quite sad and pathetic really
I kinda miss my wow friends though and my guild
But you find out who your real friends are when you stop playing
Me and my husband used to play together but he's started playing cod it's not my kind of thing
Don't get me wrong I can play it but I find it boring

We have 5 kids now all girls ofc :-)

There all growing fast oldest is 10 how did I get a 10 year old

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